Kids love foraging, and when done with care and moderation, it is a lovely way for them to connect with nature -and pick up some goodies along the way.
Let them pick just a few handfulls of rosehips from every bush they come across (or do so yourself, if you don’t have any kids at hand).
Add any rosehips you may have in your own garden, or cast your most lovely smile to your neighbour who does. All sorts go. Wash and tip into a large pot. Big round ones are typically fine like that, the smaller oval ones need a bit of a cut if they feel sturdy.

If you happen to come across any wild apples, or have some apples fallen from your own tree that don’t look too nice, chop them up and toss them in too.
Add a cinnamon stick and squeeze in a lemon.
Add water to just cover and boil for about 45 minutes.
Strain through a sieve, measure the amount of juice you’ve got and add preserving sugar accordingly (1:1).
Boil this for another 15 minutes and tadaaah:

Rosehip jam.
Like none you’ll find at the store.