We all know what underarms are.
Some might protest no such thing exists, though.
Underarm is primarily an adjective or adverb. To use it as noun is an Americanism.
Kudos to you if you know our lovely language that well.

But wait, there’s more
Underarm is actually Swedish for forearm. And Norwegian. And Danish, for that matter. Though I do imagine there might be some slight differences in pronunciation.
The German Unterarm and Dutch onderarm are clearly the same thing.
The logical counterpart for upper arms. Forearms!
Our lovely language.
So, if all other Germanic languages use this word for their forearms, why don’t we?
If we do have upperarms, why not under ones?
I honestly haven’t a clue.
But I do know that’s not where I apply our underarm products. Though you are free to do so, should you be so inclined.
We don’t judge.
We do offer the lovely Earth Conscious range, with your choice of stick, bar or tin, the latter two being currently (spring 2024) on sale.
They are all natural, vegan and marine conservation society approved, partially fairtrade certified products and come in 100% plastic free and minimal packaging.
Check out the offer following this link.
Or either of the previous ones, actually.