More and more packing peanuts are made from plant-based materials these days. But, unfortunately, they don’t have to be. There are still polysyrene ones being used as well.
Did you know … there is a simple trick to find out whether packing peanuts are plastic-free or not.

If ever you find packing peanuts in an order from us, you need not doubt they are plastic free. They will actually also be reused, as we keep them when we get them from our suppliers. But with other companies, you may not be so sure.
There is one very easy trick to find out, though. Simply wet your peanut. If it’s made from corn or potato starch, it will dissolve in water.
If it’s polystyrene (plastic) it won’t, obviously.
This simple check will save you from throwing compostable peanuts in the bin, and from throwing plastic ones in the compost.
But before you throw them out …
Even if you are sure you cannot re-use them as packaging material (or don’t have the space to keep them till maybe some day you could), don’t throw out your plastic free packaging peanuts just yet. They actually are a great craft material too!
If you moisten the ends, they will stick together. Just get a saucer with water, or a damp cloth, dip your peanut in and stick it to another any way you like. It is an incredibly easy and mess free way of creating, suitable for kids of pretty much all ages.
The peanuts are easily squeezed or cut (even with safety toddler sissors) to change size and shape, so anything is possible!

So, after keeping products save in transport, these little things can entertain kids (or adults), spark creativity, and then, at the end of it all, they can be composted leaving no trace of waste. How cool is that?
P.S.: if you are looking for more ideas to keep the kids happy this half term, why not have a look at our tips for making the most of your Halloween pumpkins (including these bread recipes), using salt dough to make decorations, or making your own rose hip jam?